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We focus on mining reclamation as a target market in the firm’s green design and sustainable site initiatives.
Once a mine has reached the end of its useful life, a mining reclamation plan can be created to mitigate the impact of the mine on the local community and environment. KCI works with development agencies to provide Value Reclamation Planning, a process that recognizes and optimizes the real estate value of strategically located mines and quarries through their conversion from wasteland into the highest and best use of the post-mining condition of the site.
Services Offered
Site location evaluation
Site inventory and analysis
Land bay mappings of buildable and unbuildable areas
Identification of potential uses and typical yields
Cash flow projections
Risk analysis
Conceptual plan development
Community input meetings
Detailed civil engineering plans
Permitting for local building codes and zoning regulations
Stormwater management and environmental compliance
Every former mining site is unique with its own location, transportation network, mineral deposits, mining history, relevant context, and environmental resource protection areas. Our team provides detailed design documents for roads, water, sewers, storm drains, sediment and erosion control, stormwater management facilities, buildings, signage, site amenities, and landscaping during the reclamation process to ensure a smooth transition into the site’s new use and elevate the attractiveness and livability of these former quarries. KCI recognizes that an effective value reclamation planning process can turn required reclamation costs into opportunities for profitable future land sales and sustainable uses.
Engineering and land surveying services provided in North Carolina are performed by our associated entity, KCI Associates of North Carolina, P.A.
Our multi-disciplinary team can offer income-producing solutions that unlock the hidden residual value and opportunities of a former quarry and provide a rewarding conclusion to mining activities.