
Eagle Creek Park Biological Survey

Indianapolis, IN

City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works, Land Stewardship

KCI completed a biological survey for herpetofaunal species in approximately 33 acres of agricultural fields that were scheduled for future restoration to a flat woods/wetland complex habitat.

The surveys assessed the species utilizing the habitat prior to restoration efforts, specifically focused on the presence of Kirtland’s snake (Clonophis kirtlandii), a state endangered species, in addition to other herpetofaunal species. Our team utilized drift fence arrays outfitted with double-ended funnel traps along with concurrently run cover-board transects. Two trapping periods were run for three consecutive days, each timed to coincide with historical peak observations of Kirtland’s snake. Individuals captured were identified to species and basic biometric data was collected before release.

KCI utilized the resulting data to provide recommendations regarding future restoration efforts. In addition to the herpetofaunal survey, KCI has designed and conducted other wildlife surveys at the site, including point-count surveys for bird species, secretive marsh bird call-back surveys, and crayfish burrow surveys.